

온누리070 플레이스토어 다운로드
    acrobits softphone
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     라인으로 공유


   ◎위챗 : speedseoul



    before pay call 0088 from app

통신대역폭을 최고로올려 사용할수 있기 때문에 화질이 매우좋음 (H.263 , H.264 지원)

특히 후방 카메라를 선택할수있어 포커스를 자동으로 맞추고 최고화질로 화상통화가능


컴퓨터에는 Xilte 4.0 ( H.263 지원)을 설치하여 화상전화 최고품질로가능






시험을 원하는분께는 전화를 걸고 받을 수 있도록  SIP계정 무료로 테스트 계정을드립니다.



Video Calls on Acrobits Softphone and Groundwire.

In this video, we demonstrate our biggest new feature yet, Video Calling.  Watch it and you'll soon be enjoying Video Calls on Acrobits Softphone and Groundwire.

Be sure to read the knowledbase article as well, you can find it here.



SIP VoIP for iOS Devices

Acrobits Softphone



Acrobits Softphone or Groundwire, how do I decide? Acrobits Softphone is designed for those with 
basic VoIP needs. For example, if you simply use your SIP account to make inexpensive
calls overseas, Acrobits Softphone should cover your needs.  But if you need business
oriented features like attended transfer,  multi line or conference calling,
you'll want to purchase Groundwire.

Side by side comparison of Acrobits Softphone and Groundwire.


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00:18:57 (*.160.42.233)
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