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    before pay call 0088 from app

OpenSIPS Installation Notes
This memo gives you hints how to set up OpenSIPS quickly. To
understand how OpenSIPS works and how to configure it properly,
read admin's guide available from OpenSIPS website. We also
urge you to read latest ISSUES (available from OpenSIPS website
too) and check for potential problems in this release.
Users of previous releases are encouraged to read NEWS to
learn how to move to this new OpenSIPS version.
1. Supported Architectures and Requirements
2. Howto Build opensips From Source Distribution
3. Quick-Start Installation Guide
A) Getting Help
B) Disclaimers
C) Quick Start
D) opensips with Persistent Data Storage
E) osipsconsole installation
F) menuconfig installation
4. Troubleshooting
1. Supported Architectures and Requirements
Supported architectures: Linux/i386, Linux/armv4l, FreeBSD/i386, OpenBSD/i386
Solaris/sparc64, NetBSD/sparc64
(for other architectures the Makefiles might need to be edited)
There are various configuration options defined in the Makefile.
- gcc / suncc / icc : gcc >= 2.9x; 4.[012] recommended (it will work with
older version but it might require some options tweaking for best
- bison or yacc (Berkley yacc)
- flex
- GNU make (on Linux this is the standard "make", on FreeBSD and Solaris is
called "gmake") version >= 3.79.
- sed and tr (used in the makefiles)
- GNU tar ("gtar" on Solaris) and gzip if you want "make tar" to work
- GNU install or BSD install (on Solaris "ginstall") if you want "make
install", "make bin", "make sunpkg" to work
- openssl if you want to compile the TLS support
- libsctp if you want to compile the SCTP support
- libmysqlclient & libz (zlib) -libs and devel headers- if you want mysql DB
support (the db_mysql module)
- libpq / postgresql -libs and devel headers- if you want postgres DB
support (the db_postgres module)
- unixodbc -libs and devel headers- if you want unixodbc DB
support (the db_unixodbc module)
- libexpat if you want the jabber gateway support (the jabber module) or the
XMPP gateway support
- libxml2 if you want to use the cpl-c (Call Processing Language) or
the presence modules (presence and pua*)
- libradius-ng -libs and devel headers- if you want to use functionalities
with radius support - authentication, accounting, group support, etc
- unixodbc - libs and devel headers - if you want UNIXODBC support as
DB underlayer
- libxmlrpc-c3 - libs and devel headers - if you want to have XML-RPC support
for the Management interface (MI)
- libperl - libs and devel headers - if you want PERL connector to support
perl scripting from you config file (perl module)
- libsnmp9 - libs and devel headers - if you want SNMP client functionality
(SNMP AgentX subagent) for opensips
- libldap libs and devel headers v2.1 or greater - if you want LDAP support
- libconfuse and devel headers - if you want to compile the carrierroute
- libncurses5-dev and m4 - if you want to use the menuconfig graphical user interface
for configuring OpenSIPS compilation & cfg file options
OS Notes:
- FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD: make sure gmake, bison or yacc & flex are installed
- Solaris: as above; you can use Solaris's yacc instead of bison. You might
need also gtar and ginstall.
2. Howto Build opensips From Source Distribution
(NOTE: if make doesn't work try gmake instead)
- compile with default options (TLS support is enabled by "TLS=1"; SCTP
support is enabled by "SCTP=1"):
make #builds only opensips core, equivalent to make opensips
make modules
or make all #builds everything
-compile debug mode version
make mode=debug all
-compile only the textops module
make modules=modules/textops modules
-compile all the "default" modules except textops and db_mysql
make skip_modules="textops db_mysql" modules
-compile all default modules and include uri_radius (not compiled by default):
make include_modules="uri_radius" modules
-compile all the modules from the modules subdirectory (even the one excluded
by default):
make exclude_modules="" modules
-compile all the modules from the modules subdirectory excluding exec:
make exclude_modules=exec modules
make exclude_modules="" skip_modules=exec modules
-generate README file for textops module
make modules=modules/textops modules-readme
-compile with gcc-3.2 instead of gcc
make CC=gcc-3.2 all
CC=gcc-3.2 make all
Make targets:
make clean (clean the modules too)
make proper (clean also the dependencies)
make distclean (the same as proper)
make mantainer-clean (clean everything, including auto generated files,
tags, *.dbg a.s.o)
make proper
(or gmake on non-Linux systems)
make modules
or make modules exclude_modules="exec" etc.
Make tags:
make TAGS
Create a tar.gz with the sources (in ../):
make tar
Create a tar.gz with the binary distribution (in ../):
make bin
Create a gzipped solaris package (in ../):
make sunpkg
Create debian packages (in ../):
make deb
make prefix=/usr/local install
Note: If you use prefix parameter in make install then you also need
to use this parameter in previous make commands, i.e. make, make modules,
or make all. If you fail to do this then OpenSIPS will look for the default
configuration file in a wrong directory, because the directory of the
default configuration file is hard coded into opensips during compile time.
When you use a different prefix parameter when installing then the
directory hard coded in opensips and the directory in which the file will be
installed by make install will not match. (You can specify exact location
of the configuration file using -f parameter of opensips).
For example, if you do the following:
make all
make prefix=/ install
Then the installation will put the default configuration file into
/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg (because prefix is /), but opensips will look for the
file in /usr/local/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg (because there was no prefix
parameter in make all and /usr/local is the default value of prefix).
Workaround is trivial, use the same parameters in all make commands:
make prefix=/ all
make prefix=/ install
That applies to other make parameters as well (for example parameters
"modules" or "excluded_modules").
Start graphical user interface:
make menuconfig
3. Quick-Start Installation Guide
A) Getting Help
This guide gives you instructions on how to quickly set up OpenSIPS
on your box. In case the default configuration does not fly, check
documentation at opensips site
to learn how to configure OpenSIPS for your site.
If the documentation does not resolve your problem you may try contacting
our user forum by E-mail at -- that is the mailing list
of opensips community. To participate in the mailing list, subscribe at the
following web address:
B) Disclaimers
Note well the default "quick-start" configuration is very simple in order
to be easily installable. It provides minimum features. Particularly,
authentication is by default disabled, which means anyone can register using
any name with the server. (This is on purpose to avoid installation
dependencies on MySQL which is needed for storing user credentials.)
C) Quick Start
The following step-by step guide gives you instructions how to install the
sql-free distribution of opensips. If you need persistence and authentication,
then you have to install additional MySql support -- proceed to section D)
after you are finished with C).
1) Download an RPM or debian package from our site
If you don't use an rpm or debian based distribution, see if corresponding
packages are available or try our tar.gz'ed binaries.
If you use Gentoo Linux you do not have to download a package.
For debian, packages are available via the Debian official repositories for
testing and unstable. For stable, use the project's repository at:
deb stable main
2) install the package
rpm -i <package_name>
dpkg -i <package_name>
or if APT repository is used:
apt-get install <package_name>
emerge opensips
(or if use only stable packets: ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge opensips)
cd /; tar zxvf <package_name>_os_arch.tar.gz
(it will install in /usr/local/, and the configuration file in
gunzip <package_name>.gz ; pkgadd -d <package_name>
pkg_add package_name
Note that the OpenSIPS package is in the FreeBSD package tree included,
but is not present in the OpenBSD and NetBSD repository. You'll probably
have more luck trying to build directly from the source with the tar.gz,
as the package files for this systems are somewhat out of date at the
3) start the server
RPM + gentoo:
/etc/init.d/opensips start
opensips is started automatically after the install
(in case something fails you can start it with /etc/init.d/opensips start)
the tar.gz does not include an init.d script, you'll have to create one of
your own or adapt one from the source distribution (debian/init.d,
rpm/opensips.init.*, gentoo/opensips.init)
You can start opensips directly with /usr/local/sbin/opensips.
see tar.gz.
4) optionally, watch server's health using the opensipsctl utility
- to do so, first set the environment variable SIP_DOMAIN to your domain
name, e.g., in Bourne shell, call
export SIP_DOMAIN=""
- if you are using other than 'localhost' mysql server for maintaining
subscriber database, change the variable 'SQL_HOST' to the proper
host name in the opensipsctl script
- run the opensipsctl utility
/usr/sbin/opensipsctl moni
/usr/local/sbin/opensipsserctl moni (if you installed from a tar.gz
or solaris package)
- you can create a resource file for opensipsctl, name it .opensipsctlrc
and place it in your home directory. You can set there the values for
opensipsctl variables (e.g., SIP_DOMAIN, SQL_HOST, SQL_USER, SQL_DB ...)
5) Register with the server using your favourite SIP User Agent.
For example, users of Windows Messenger need to set
in Tools->Options->Accounts the following values:
Name: <username>@<your_server_address>
Advanced->Configure Settings (on)
Advanced->Server: <your_server_address>
Connect Using: UDP
D) opensips with Persistent Data Storage
The default configuration is very simple and features many simplifications.
In particular, it does not authenticate users and loses User Location database
on reboot. To provide persistence, keep user credentials and remember users'
locations across reboots, opensips can be configured to use MySQL. Before you
proceed, you need to make sure MySQL is installed on your box.
1) Download the package containing mysql support for opensips from:
(rpm and deb provided, most of the binary tar.gz distributions and the
solaris package include it; if it is not present you'll have to rebuild
from the source).
For gentoo please include 'mysql' to your USE variable in /etc/make.conf
or give it as variable to the emerge command.
2) install the package
RPM based:
rpm -i <package_name>
DEB based:
dpkg -i <package_name>
or if APT repository is used
apt-get install <package_name>
Gentoo Linux:
emerge opensips
(if do not want to put 'mysql' into your USE variable you can type:
USE="mysql" emerge opensips)
3) create SQL tables
You must specify your database type in the /etc/opensipsctlrc file, e.g.
MySQL. See section 7 for an explanation of further possible parameters.
- if you have a previously installed OpenSIPS on your system, use
/usr/sbin/opensipsdbctl migrate
to convert your OpenSIPS database into new structures
NOTE: "migrate" is available only for mysql DBs
- otherwise, if this is your very first installation, use
/usr/sbin/opensipsdbctl create
to create OpenSIPS database structures
(you will be prompted for password of MySQL "root" user)
4) configure opensips to use SQL
uncomment all lines in configuration file opensips.cfg which are related to
- loadmodule "/usr/lib/opensips/modules/"
- loadmodule "/usr/lib/opensips/modules/"
- loadmodule "/usr/lib/opensips/modules/"
- modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2)
- modparam("auth", "calculate_ha1", yes)
- modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password")
- if (!www_authorize("", "subscriber")) {
www_challenge("", "0");
5) be sure to replace realm, the first parameter in www_* actions,
with name of your server; some broken UAC implementations don't
authenticate otherwise; the authentication command in your
configuration script should look then like this:
if (!www_authorize("", "subscriber")) {
www_challenge("", "0");
6) restart the server
/etc/init.d/opensips restart
7) you can now start managing the server using the opensipsctl utility;
you need to first set the environment variable SIP_DOMAIN to your
local SIP realm, e.g.,
export SIP_DOMAIN=""
or you can configure via the resource file for opensipsctlrc. The default
file is installed in the etc/ directory of your installation (along with the
OpenSIPS config file). For per user configuration, create .opensipsctlrc
in your home directory.
You can set there the values for opensipsctl variables like:
SIP_DOMAIN - your SIP domain
DBENGINE - database type: MYSQL, PGSQL or DBTEXT by default none is loaded
DBHOST - database host
DBNAME - database name
DBRWUSER - database read/write user
DBROUSER - database read only user
DBROPW - password for database read only user
DBROOTUSER - database super user
ALIASES_TYPE - type of aliases used:
DB - database aliases
UL - usrloc aliases
default none
CTLENGINE - control engine: FIFO or UNIXSOCK
OSIPS_FIFO - path to FIFO file
VERBOSE - verbose - debug purposes - default '0'
a) watch the server status using 'opensipsctl moni'
b) try to login with your SIP client as user 'admin' with
password 'opensipsrw'
c) try adding new users using
'opensipsctl add <name> <password> <email>'
8) default values (database url, users and passwords) are:
- db_default_url="mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@localhost/opensips"
- r/w user: opensips ; passwd: opensipsrw
- r/o user: opensipsro ; passwd: opensipsro
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: for security reasons, do change the values of
passwords after installation
E) osipsconsole installation
1) Perl requirements
For the osipsconsole tool the following perl modules are needed:
2) Debian/Ubuntu Installation
In order for the script to work, there are listed bellow the modules
needed and their debian package correspondent, a brief description of each
package and whether it is mandatory to install it or not. ( To be mentioned
the fact that these packages have been tested in Debian and Ubuntu
distros. )
Perl module | Debian Package | Description | Use
perl |perl |Practical Extraction | mandatory
| |and Report Language |
DBI |libdbi-perl |Perl database interface| mandatory
DBD::mysql |libdbd-mysql-perl |MySQL driver for the |*optional
| |Perl5 DBI |
DBD::Pg |libdbd-pg-perl |PostgreSQL database |*optional
| |driver for DBI module |
**DBD::Oracle | ------ |Oracle database driver |*optional
| |for the DBI module |
Frontier::RPC2 |libfrontier-rpc-perl |encode/decode RPC2 | mandatory
| |format XML |
Term::ReadLine::Gnu|libterm-readline-gnu-per|Perl extension for the | mandatory
| |GNU Readline/History Lib|
BerkeleyDB |libberkeleydb-perl |Perl extension for | mandatory
| |Berkeley database |
| |version 2, 3 or 4 |
Install these packages using apt-get:
apt-get install perl libdbi-perl libdbd-mysql-perl libdbd-pg-perl
libfrontier-rpc-perl libterm-readline-gnu-perl
NOTE: * packages are at the user's choice. At least one of them is
mandatory, depending on the DB type used by OpenSIPS. The other
ones have no need of being installed.
** For the DBD::Oracle module there is no debian package. This
will be installed as follows:
- Download the .tar.gz archive from:
- Decompress and unpack it
- cd DBD-Oracle-1.22
- perl Makefile.PL
- make
- make test
- make install
F) menuconfig installation
The Interface allows the user to do the following :
1. Configure OpenSIPS compilation related options such as :
- Compilation Flags. For example, the user can now easily compile in TCP
support from within the GUI, or enable memory allocation debugging, etc.
Each compilation flag functionality is explained in short in the GUI.
- Module Compilation Selection. The user can now easily select to compile
modules that have external dependencies, and that are not compiled in
by default. For example, the user can choose to also enable the MySQL
support by enabling the db_mysql module. The interface will also notify
the user about the dependencies that must be installed based on the modules
that the user has selected.
- Installation Prefix. The user can use the GUI to configure the OpenSIPS
installation path to be used
2. Install OpenSIPS and Cleanup OpenSIPS sources
- Upon configuring OpenSIPS related options from above,
the user can choose to install OpenSIPS directly from the GUI.
3. Generate OpenSIPS config files
- The tool can also generate OpenSIPS configuration files based on the
user's preferences. So far, we have defined three main classes of OpenSIPS
configuration files :
- Residential
- Trunking
- Load-balancer
For each type of configuration file, the user can choose to enable/disable
certain options. For example, for the Residential script, the user can choose
to enable presence support, to handle NAT, and many more. After the user has
properly configured it's desired OpenSIPS script in the GUI, it will have the
option to generate and obtain the final OpenSIPS cfg.
If you have installed OpenSIPS from packages ( debs, rpms, etc ) and not from sources,
you will still be able to use the graphical interface for generating configuration files,
by running
4. Troubleshooting
Q: SIP requests are replied by opensips with "483 Too Many Hops" or
"513 Message Too Large"
A: In both cases, the reason is probably an error in request routing script
which caused an infinite loop. You can easily verify whether this happens
by watching SIP traffic on loopback interface. A typical reason for
misrouting is a failure to match local domain correctly. If a server fails
to recognize a request for itself, it will try to forward it to current URI
in believe it would forward them to a foreign domain. Alas, it forwards the
request to itself again. This continues to happen until value of
max_forwards header field reaches zero or the request grows too big.
Solutions is easy: make sure that domain matching
is correctly configured. A quick way to achieve that is to introduce a config
option to opensips.cfg: alias=domainname, where domainname shall be replaced
with name of domain, which you wish to server and which appears in
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